Parish NP Referendum
Click on the link above to down load the Referendum version of the CPNP Plan
Results of the Cressing Parish Neighbourhood Plan Referendum that took place on the 6th February are as follows:
Five hundred and Forty Three people took the time to Vote either by post or in person
513 people voted YES
30 people voted NO
That means a turnout of 38.26% of all the adults in the Parish registered to vote - that's a really good turnout -
At the Pavilion - Cressing Sports and Social Club. The Polling office is open from 7.00am in the morning until 10.00pm at night.
Please take the time to vote and support the Plan.
The question you are being asked to decide on is:
'Do you want Braintree District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Cressing to help it decide Planning Applications in the Neighbourhood Area?'
The date of the Referendum has been confirmed as
Thursday 6th February 2020 at the Pavilion, Jeffreys Road, Tye Green Cressing
(Cressing Sports and Social Club)
Please take the time to vote.
This plan has been produced by people in the Parish for the benefit of the Parish.
This Referendum gives the people of Cressing Parish the opportunity to Vote on the question:
'Do you want Braintree District Council to Use the Neighbourhood Plan for Cressing to help it decide Planning Applications in the Neighbourhood Area?'
A 'YES' vote will support the Plan.
If you would like to read the plan, please use this link:
Hard copies of the Plan will be available to view at St Barnabas, and the Evangelical Church in The Street.
There will be an INFORMATION DAY on Sunday 2nd February between 11.00am and 14.00 at St Barnabas when you will have the opportunity to see the plan and ask questions.
This information leaflet is being distributed around the Parish. If you would like a .pdf copy, please email to:
The Cressing Parish Neighbourhood Plan was accepted at Braintree District Cabinet Meeting last night - 2nd December 2019 - to go to Referendum in the Parish in the New Year. The exact date will be published as soon as known along with the date of our Information Exhibition.
*** Sunday 2nd February at St Barnabas 11.00 til 2.00pm***
The amended post examination Referendum Plan will be posted on the website soon.
Currently can be downloaded:
September 2019
The Cressing Parish Neighbourhood Plan is now post examination. A full amended version of the plan along with detailed maps will be posted on the website as soon as available from BDC.
We are having to wait until the Cabinet Meeting on 2nd December before we can proceed to the Referendum.
As soon as we have the Referendum date we will be holding an Information Day at St Barnabas in Claud Ince Avenue.
Hard copies of the plans will be available to view at both St Barnabas and the Evangelical Church in The Street
Information on when and how the Referendum will be held along with details of the Exhibition that we will be holding will appear on this page sometime later in the year.
The information will also be in the Parish Magazine, on notice boards and in an advertisement in the press. There will be information on the Braintree District Council website and a link to this will appear here when it is available.
If you would like to have any further information on this, or indeed any other question relating to this process, please contact us by one of the methods on the 'Contacts' page.