History and Heritage
The Wheat Barn at Cressing Temple
Cressing Parish is rich in history, the evidence of which is still all around us. The completeness of Cressing Temple and its Knights Templar heritage is unique. The environs should be protected and treasured along with its earlier Iron Age and Roman archaeological remains. A small part of this has been excavated and considerable evidence recorded but more remains to be discovered within the existing curtilage and throughout the wider parish of Cressing.
This page has just a few images of the more recent past which we hope you will find interesting. If you do, please come along to the exhibition we will be holding later in the year when the parish Referendum on the plan will be held and more photos and documents will be available for you to see. Nearer the time, more information will be available on the Referendum page.
Further down this page you will find links to various documents which shows just a small part of the rich heritage of the parish.
There are also links in the Evidence Base page that have heritage information.
Cressing Temple
Tudor Garden at Cressing Temple
This link gives a brief history of Cressing Temple:
The images above are a small part of the Tithe Award Listings and Maps for the parish of Cressing dated 1842
Bulford Mill circa 1885. Originally built as a woollen mill at the end of the 18th century. Converted to a corn mill in 1813. Last corn milled in 1947.
The Old Bakery
Looking North up The Street Cressing circa 1920
A break from apple picking 1952
Ladies on their way to The Peculiar Church
Land workers thought to be at Cressing Temple
Land workers thought to be at Cressing Temple
The Pulman pub when it was first built in Tye Green Cressing. This shows the railway carriage from where the name derived being installed behind the building. The railway carriage has long since gone and more recently the pub itself when it was demolished to make way for a block of flats.
OS map extract from 1862-96 Essex 1st revision Copyright OS