Contact Us
If you would like further information on anything contained in the site please contact us in one of the following ways.
Also if you have any historical knowledge or photographs of the parish we would be very interested in seeing them.
Telephone: 01376 329288 This telephone number is the Parish Office and only manned on Wednesdays between 9.30am and 12.30 and 13.00 to 16.30
Email :
Call in or snail mail to:
The Parish Office at St Barnabas, Claud Ince Avenue, Cressing, CM77 8HG
or: use the feedback form below
Keep your heads up!
Acknowledgments go to:
Jim, Eileen and Roy Martin and Charmian Goundry for supplying the majority of the historical photos and information;
Richard and Susan Simpson for aerial and landscape photos;
Site produced by Susan Simpson for Cressing Neighbourhood Plan. Copyright reserved.